Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bible Study: Hezekiah Part 2, Monday 26th November

After the defeat of the Assyrian army, Hezekiah must have been hoping for an easier life. But no, he faces a life threatening illness and after that a visit from seemingly friendly people from Babylon.

Working through 2 Kings 20, we will look at the challenges of faith faced by Hezekiah and consider what we can learn from this as we face challenges of faith today.

Come along to the Chaplaincy (61 Park Place) at 5.30pm on Monday 26th November, bring food to share if you can.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bible Study - Hezekiah Part 1

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an ancient Judean King who's kingdom is facing annihilation from a seemingly unstoppable army? Hezekiah was in such a position and in this session we will examine how his faith was challenged and yet remained firm in this time of national emergency. We will also consider what we can learn from Hezekiah's story as we face challenges of faith today.

Come along to the Chaplaincy (61 Park Place) at 5.30pm on Monday 19th November, bring food to share you can. The study will be based on 2 Kings:18-19 so if you have the time to read these two chapters before coming then that would be great but if not don't worry.

Friday, November 9, 2012

MySpace, 12th November

During your working day do you make time for tea breaks? During your working day do you make time for lunch? During your working day do you make time to pray?
When someone doesn't e-mail you back or process your order, do you get angry or do you talk to God?

This week's CRISP meeting is looking at MySpace, not the now social media site, but the time and space you put aside during the day to talk to someone even more important than your supervisor or line manager, God. We will look at verses in The Bible that can help guide us and discuss and learn from each other how we should fit work around our time with God, rather than fitting that time into our work.

So come along to the Chaplaincy (61 Park Place) at 5:30pm on Monday 12th November, bring some food to share if you can.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Prayer for the Persecuted Church, 5th November

As Sunday 4th November is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, it is fitting for us to join with others who are lifting persecuted Christians around the world to the Lord in prayer.
We'll begin as usual on Monday 5th November at 5:30pm by sharing some food together and then spend an hour in prayer from 6pm. If anyone supports a particular organisation or knows of some need then please bring along details with you.
The writer of Hebrews exhorts his readers, 'Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.' (Hebrews 13:3). Let us who know so little of suffering for the Gospel support our brothers and sisters in this way.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Exploring the Gifts of the Spirit, 29th October

Somxtimxs it sxxms to mx that wx as Christians arx likx my computxr kxyboard. Wx could bx using all our kxys but somxtimxs wx nxxd to rxcognisx what thosx kxys arx and what arx missing.

It doxs makx a big diffxrxncx to rxcognisx what our strxngths and wxaknxssxs arx givxn thx spiritual gifts that arx givxn to us, to kingdom build as ambassadors for Christ. It nxxds thx activx participation of x
vxry pxrson in whxrx wx arx basxd to rxcognisx this both in work, study and Church too that wx play a rolx in thx body of Christ.

So, thx nxxt timx you wondxr on this, rxmxmbxr my computxr kxyboard and say to yoursxlf, "I am a kxy pxrson in His kingdom and I am nxxdxd vxry much."

So comx along to thx Chaplaincy (61 Park Placx) at 5:30pm on Monday 29th Octobxr, bring somx food to sharx if you can and bx prxparxd for our third wxxk into CriSP!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Greatest Commandment, 22nd October

At times our patience can be tested not only by the task but by others
and let's not forget that God loves everyone, so does that mean we should?
Jesus said that the most important thing in life is to love God with
everything we've got and love others the same way. It is not always
easy to love everyone around us, is it? Sometimes we strongly disagree
with other people's political views, religious and denominational
divides, behaviours, or something else, and it makes it hard to love
them when we feel like we're right and they're wrong. Maybe one way
for us to show our love for God is actually by loving other people no
matter how hard it sometimes is. Maybe it's the only way?

Monday 22nd October, The Chaplaincy (61 Park Place), 5.30pm-7.00pm

Come along, bring some food to share for our next evening session of
CriSP on Monday 22nd October. We'll be meeting in the Chaplaincy (61
Park Place) from 5:30pm.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Armour of God, 15th October

Here we will take a refreshing and challenging look at the Armour of God. This will be educational, enthralling and engaging in a light and positive way. It will be an opportunity to share, see and experience a very important aspect in our day to day walk with God and something to bear in mind when we step out in faith and into challenging territory.

Monday 15th October, The Chaplaincy (61 Park Place), 5:30pm

So come along , bring some food to share if you can and be prepared for our first week into CriSP!

Monday, October 1, 2012

CriSP Welcome 2012: Pizza Night

CriSP will begin a new academic year on 8th October with a Pizza night, a chance for staff and postgraduates old and new to meet and mingle over food!

This event will take place between 5.30pm and 8pm at The Chaplaincy, 61 Park Place.

If you can't make it for 5.30pm or can't stay until 8pm then come and leave as it suits you.

For details of upcoming events see our calender.